Documentation of Traditional Knowledge and Ways of Knowing and Doing.
HEi: Hawaiian String Figure Making. This workshop will discuss Hawaiian ways of knowing and doing using Hei as the medium of learning. Participants will also have hands-on experiences with Hawaiian Hei making.
Hei is the Hawaiian cultural equivalent of the childʻs game known as catʻs cradle. Often accompanied by mo`olelo (stories) and oli (chants), Hei presents a traditional method of performing and remembering long narratives. Hei are associated with various aspects of Hawaiian culture such as performance cartography, sharing of legends and depiction of everyday activities.
Much of the traditional knowledge of Hei has been lost, but practitioners like Kumu Kalani are making efforts to revive this cultural practice.
Monday, November 10, 2014
12:00p - 1:15p
@ The Daniel Inouye Technology Center Auditorium
This event is free and open to the public. For more information contact Pua Rossi-Fukino by email or Joshua Fukino by email
Posted for A.Erichsen