Each year the UH System offers students an amazing opportunity to study in Japan or Korea through the Freeman Scholarship. Selected students are fully funded for a year-long program, and they do not have to be students of Japanese or Korean. The first semester of their year-long experience is devoted to learning the language at UH Manoa. The second semester of the experience is in-country, either Japan or Korea.
In the past, KCC has not had many applicants for this, but we'd like to change this because it truly is a life-changing opportunity. Therefore, we'd like your help! Students must be degree-seeking U.S. Citizens and have a 3. GPA or better and be willing to give a year of their lives to this amazing experience. If you are aware of students in your classes or that you've worked with as counselors or in any other capacity that you believe would be good candidates for this, please talk to them about this opportunity and encourage them to apply. You can direct them to the application and information on "Opportunities Abroad" webpage. The deadline for the Japan program is October 23; for Korea the deadline is in March 19. If they decide to apply, they will also need a recommendation letter from you.
Word of mouth is the best way to get this information into the right students' hands, and by you approaching them you are acknowledging their abilities. Even if they don't apply, you've given them a boost. And if they do apply, they just may be selected for a chance of a lifetime!