RCUH will be having a Workplace Violence Prevention Training Session at Kauai CC on April 23, 2010, 8am - 12noon in the Technology Building, room 114.
All UH employees are welcome to attend. RSVP attendance to Jocelyn Matsushima at jmatsushima@rcuh.com
Training Objectives
1. Define workplace violence.
2. Know the warning signals.
3. Be aware of trigger situations.
4. Be familiar with Bullying and Teasing.
5. Understand Group Dynamics.
6. Understand the brain and how it works.
7. Know the importance of staying connect.
8. Know your responsibilities.
9. Suggestions for avoiding workplace violence.
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Annie Rellin for VCSA Earl Nishiguchi
Annie Rellin for VCSA Earl Nishiguchi